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September 29, 2009

Give Expression to the Art Curator In You

Waterlily posterHopefully in the next couple of months I will have an exhibition of my photographic art. A couple of good friends came over recently and spent some time with me narrowing down the field.

We focused mainly on the digital watercolor works I did of the photos from my trip to Alamos, but also broadened the field to include favorites from the past. I have also included every work that has sold from my Imagekind galleries, as obviously when people vote with their money, that's a vote that counts! Ask any politician! Thank you, by the way, to anyone following my blog who has ever purchased any of my work. I love you! Smile! I love you!

So now is your turn to pitch in if you would, and I really hope you will. I set up this exhibition gallery of the "finalists" my friends and I came up with, but I have to narrow it down to 10 to 15 works. So that's where your votes come in

When you view the gallery, you will note that each image has a red x in the top right corner. Select up to 15 images that you would consider should be in the exhibition by clicking on the Xs. This will turn the red X to a green check mark/tick. At the bottom of the gallery is a message form. If you wish to remain anonymous or are in a hurry you can still send the message just by clicking send. I will just get an anonymous email containing a list of the images you selected. I will not be able to tell who you are or what your email address is. But since it would feel better to say thanks for your participation, please consider including your name and email for me. I will not use your email address for anything else but to thank you.

Please note that you can view the images as a slide show by clicking on an image. You should see the slide show controls at the bottom of the larger image that will be displayed. You can also use the spacebar to start and pause the slide show, and while in pause mode, you can go forward and back by using the arrow keys.

So get voting! Once again here's a link to the exhibition gallery.

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