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June 13, 2008

Canon 5D on sale - Is a new model release around the corner

The Canon 5D, which is considered to fall within the "professional" segment of the camera market, is currently being offered widely for less than $2000 (body only - previously sold for $3000), so the photography blogs are abuzz with speculation that Canon is about to release an update of the camera within the next few months and is now trying to clear inventory.

The 5D was released way back in August 2005 so is definitely due for an update. If it follows its big brother, the 1D, it will be called something like 5DII. So if you are in the market for a new camera and ready to move up to a "pro-level" camera, then you have a few options to consider. Decisions, Decisions!

For a start you could wait for the new release of the 5D, whatever it will be called, so that you don't miss out on any of the new bells and whistles. But of course you will need a bigger budget for that. It's obviously going to be at least $3000.

Or you could go for the recently-released Canon 40D, the high-end "pro-sumer" (professional at the consumer level...get it?) camera that is an exceptionally good camera available with lens kit for around $1500, or as a body-only deal for around $1,000.

Or you go for the 5D at around $2000. Why? The main thing you're going for is that the sensor in the 5D is a "full-format" sensor. The sensors in the 40D and Rebel series cameras are not full-sized sensors so your images in fact suffer from some cropping. This effect is more pronounced at the lower end of your lens' focal range. Just imagine the light coming through the lens and falling on the sensor but with the outer edges of the light being wider than the sensor itself. So with the 5D you get the full focal range of your lenses, as well as all exceptional technology of the camera itself.

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