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February 21, 2008

Where Am I?

Have you been wondering what happened to me of late? Well if you did it sure is nice to feel loved! Actually I've been on vacation in Maui, and then when I got back I had a bad "power-down" on my computer which ultimately meant I had to rebuild my computer right from reinstalling XP etc. I spent most of the long weekend trying to avoid having to do that, but all to no avail. I thought I had it covered with a backup of my computer with Norton Ghost, but it turned out I didn't. Luckily all my files were safely backed-up; I learned that lesson some time ago. Now I've learned the hard way how to really use Norton Ghost properly to make sure I can recover my computer without having to rebuild and reinstall all the software.

So that's what I've been doing the last 2 weeks. So I'm finally getting to the point where I can start taking a look at my photos from Maui and sharing some of them with you. I can't wait! So stay patient and stay loyal, Dear Subscriber. I really appreciate it!

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