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August 19, 2007

Echinacea Purpurea at the Getty Center Gardens

Photo of a coneflower Echinacea purpurea
The central gardens at the Getty Center in Los Angeles were designed by artist Robert Irwin. (Getty Center The Central Garden) Irwin who conceived of the palette and structural layout worked with landscape design firm Spurlock Poirier to pull off this spectacular garden. The buildings, by the way, were designed by architect Richard Meier.

Visiting the Getty is as much an outing to be in awe of the architecture and the gardens as it to be in awe of art. To tell you the truth, I personally get more out of the buildings and the gardens than I do of the art. The art, of course, is highly specialized since John Paul Getty collected "antiquities". However, the Getty is building a substantial photographic collection currently and always has a large photographic exhibition running, and the "current exhibitions" are typically not focused on antiquities and are very compelling.

The photo of a coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) was taken on my recent visit there. The garden was in full-bloom and if you've never been and live in the LA area or will be visiting, the Getty Center is well-worth the visit in so many respects.
Canon EOS 20D
18-55mm lens at 55mm
1/40 sec at f/9
ISO 400

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