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October 23, 2008

The Getty Museum, Malibu

Photo collection from the Getty Museum villa in MalibuThe Getty Museum in Malibu is housed in a replica of a Roman villa that John Paul Getty had constructed and which he opened to the public in 1974. After the Getty Center in Brentwood was opened in 1997 the Getty Villa underwent a major renovation before reopening to the public in 2006. The museum holds some 44,000 works of art from the Greek, Roman, and Etruscan periods, and at any one time some 1,200 works of art are on display.

I took these photos this past September. This was only my second visit to the Getty Villa; my original visit there was during my first trip to the United States as a tourist back in August 1987! My, how time has flown!

The morning started out with typical coastal fog providing a gray but highly reflective light for taking photos outside. Most of the photos of the artworks were taken inside, and without the aid of any flash per the rules for taking photos in the galleries.

Go here for the slide show of my photos from the Getty Museum Villa Malibu.

About the Getty Museum

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