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June 3, 2007

Song Sparrow in Spring Wildflowers

Photo of Song Sparrow in Spring Wildflowers

Photo of Song Sparrow in Spring Wildflowers

I love taking pictures of birds. This little guy, a song sparrow, was singing away very merrily when I was walking along the boardwalk at Moonstone Beach in Cambria, California last spring. I love how all the background yellows and pinks came out so well in this picture too.

(Note: I published a second photo of this song sparrow in a post dated June 26, 2008 - Song Sparrow in Spring Wildflowers -2)

This and other photos I have taken of birds can be found in the bird photo galleries. There's one for broadband visitors, and one for dialup visitors. Here are the links to each:

Bird Photo Gallery - Broadband Flash Gallery

Bird Photo Gallery - Dial Up Optimized

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