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May 17, 2007

Stirling Falls Milford Sound

Photo of Stirling Falls Milford Sound New Zealand

Stirling Falls Milford Sound New Zealand

Stirling Falls are one of two permanent waterfalls that cascade into Milford Sound. Stirling Falls descend from 155 metres above the fiord. They were originally named after a seaman by the name of Captain Stirling. The deepest part of Milford Sound is 1,280 ft below sea level and is located in the vicinity of Stirling Falls.

When we first set out on our cruise of Milford Sound the weather was very misty making for conditions that were far from ideal for photography, but the outcome is to give these photos a very aged look, as if they are a century old.

Canon EOS 20D
1/250s at f/9
70-300mm lens at 300mm
(c) John Corney 2007

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