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July 20, 2008

Sure to Rise Series

Sure to Rise - The Resurrection of ChristA lot of my friends are sure to get a giggle out of this series knowing of my Catholic background and now lapsed status. And who would have thought an excursion on Friday night to attempt some shots at the full moon rising over Irvine would lead to this. I went out at about 7:30pm to make sure I could find myself a spot to take my moon shots, and of course the sun was still setting, so hey, gotta take a photo of the sunset of course. So when I was looking at the sunset shots this afternoon I noticed the rays of the sun, and a good Catholic boy of course automatically sees visions from his past of resurrections and fiery hearts. So here we are with a series of photos with the resurrected Christ in a fiery sunset.

Edmonds Cookery Book coverThe "Sure to Rise" name comes from the marketing tag line for New Zealand baking powder maker, Edmonds. The company is a household name in New Zealand and famous for its Edmonds Cookery Book that can be found in the kitchens of probably almost every New Zealand home. The cover of the classic Edmond's cook book and the cans and packages of Edmonds baking powder all feature the sun's rays to give emphasis to the "sure to rise" qualities of the product. (Get the Edmonds Cookery Book at

So now you have the answer to the deep psychological mystery of this series of photos.

See the series at the Sure to Rise Slideshow

Greeting cards, prints, and custom framing are availabe for these photos from my Sure To Rise gallery at Imagekind

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