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September 16, 2007

Beckett Point After Sunset with Sepia Effect

Photo of Beckett Point Discovery Bay after sunset with sepia effect
I created a sepia effect for this photo taken from the same spot as the previous post. The pine tree in the center spoiled the photos I took with landscape orientation unfortunately. Actually, there were two pines in the center of the photo, one of which which was a very tall stump from which the branches and top of the tree had been removed. In front on this was the pine that features in the center of this photo and the previous one. I had to line it up so that the bare trunk of the other tree was hidden behind this tree - you can't tell that the second tree is there, but if I moved just a little either way, the bare trunk came into view and spoiled the composition completely. You can see stumps of the branches of the tree behind sticking out. This gives you some idea of just how high the stump was. I guess strictly speaking it's really too high to be a stump.

This photo was taken at 8:05pm so there was less light than for the previous photo, and I was at this point shooting at ISO 800. I shot thise photos without a tripod, so had to adjust the ISO and appeture settings so that the exposures weren't too long.

Canon EOS 20D
Canon 18-55mm lens at 25mm
1/6 sec at f/5.6
ISO 800

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