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September 15, 2007

Annas Hummingbird on Guard

Photo of Annas Hummingbird guarding feeder
This is the big Kahuna of hummingbirds in my yard, believe it or not. If he's around, then the other hummers don't stand much chance of getting to the feeder unmolested. This photo has him at his post where he can keep an eye on the feeder and attack any interlopers. Once the spring breeding season has finished, the birds become more territorial and defensive of "their" feeder and one establishes him or herself as the primary bird in the pecking order. During the spring they appear to be more concerned with raising their young, however, and this past spring I had up to 5 birds at a time at the one feeder, all happily coexisting. There's no such peace and harmony at this time of the year, however, and there are many dog-fights throughout the day.

Bird Photo Gallery

Canon EOS 20D
Canon 70-300mm lens at 300mm
1/30s secs at f/10

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